
Love god, computer scientist
Love gods love doing dishes.

Alpine or Rev. Colin Thomas Curtin is a person of the male gender.

He hates any state whose state dance is the Square Dance, and loves the bold-italic markup which consists of five single-quotes in a row.

He is an obstinate omnivore, but is seriously considering the vegetarian lifechoice. Douglas may ask, "But why?! Why would you even consider giving up steak? Juicy,, medium-rare steak?". Well. Let me tell you. I have no friggin' clue.

Colin is a love god and a Computer Scientist. is his website. It never works, but that's because he tried compiling Apache2 on a retarded MIPS platform running in 32bit mode with 128bit extensions. For shame. Oh, and it's a playstation, bitches; running Linux.

Correction: is up, though he has changed his netnick to a more suitable one that doesn't have so many namespace collisions: perplexes. It may, actually, have more, but at least it was available on GMail; and that's all that counts anyway.

Also, his software is probably maybe going to be included in the Squeak 3.9 base image. Woopee.

Also also, he is doing good work for Mr. Graham Talley. Friend, lover, other.